Payroll Deduction Calculator


  • Enter the amount you would like to give for the year.
  • Select the number of times you are paid in a year.
  • Click CALCULATE. The amount of each deduction will be shown.
Total Contribution   Number Pays   Amount Per Pay
/ =

Total Contribution
Amount pledged per paycheck Over 21 weeks Over 26 weeks
$5 $105 $130
$10 $210 $260
$15 $315 $390
$20 $420 $520
$25 $525 $650
$30 $630 $780
$40 $840 $1,040
$50 $1,050 $1,300


Amount Pledged with Payroll Deductions
Total of Annual Pledge Payroll Deduction Over 21 weeks Payroll Deduction Over 26 weeks
$130 $6.20 $5.00
$150 $7.15 $5.77
$200 $9.53 $7.70
$250 $11.91 $9.62
$500 $23.81 $19.24
$1,000 $47.62 $38.47